In this issue: Form 8843 Wizard updates, New Partners, School the World - Guatemala and more!

PARTNER Newsletter

As we forge on into 2019, we find ourselves keeping busy this February. Tax returns will be due before you know it, so we have some helpful advice and tools to share with you that we hope you’ll forward on to your students. Also, in just a few weeks, we have a team heading to Guatemala for our second initiative with School the World, and we’ve welcomed new partners we’re excited to introduce. We hope you enjoy the newsletter.

Happy Recruiting!
The Team

February Edition - Issue #28


Tax Form 8843 Online Wizard Has Been Updated

Last year created a Tax Form 8843 Online Wizard to help students during tax season. We’re happy to introduce an updated version for the new year. The Form 8843 online wizard is free, easy to use, and allows students to enter their details in, which then pre-populates into the actual IRS Form 8843. Once finished, students simply download, print, sign, and send to the IRS for processing. No information is held once the form has been populated, so privacy is maintained throughout the process.

Every international student and their dependents must submit Form 8843 to the IRS, even if income was not received. We invite you to share our form with your students to help them this tax season!


Why Study Tennessee Chose

More and more states are working together to bring in international students into their colleges and universities, which means we're starting to see more sophisticated digital marketing plans from state consortia. We are excited to be partnering with Study Tennessee and we asked Todd Beard, Study Tennessee co-chair, why he chose to partner with us. Beard said, "What we wanted to do is increase our brand visibility through digital marketing and we felt like was going to provide the best platform for that. We are excited about attracting students to the state and we feel like our nearly 20 institutions are great for potential international students."

We are thrilled to be partnering with Study Tennessee and look forward to soon spreading the word on the great state of Tennessee.


Welcome Hofstra University INTO Pathway is excited to welcome Hofstra University INTO Pathway as a new partner, becoming the 12th INTO Pathway program we’ve teamed with.

A diverse mix of cultural, social, athletic, and recreational activities delivers the full college experience to Hofstra students. Add to that small classes, dedicated faculty, and a beautiful, energized campus right within reach of opportunities in New York City, Hofstra helps students get to where they want to be in school and in life. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to help Hofstra University INTO Pathway fulfill their marketing and recruitment goals.


To Guatemala We Go

In less than two weeks Envisage International (EIC) will send five volunteers to Guatemala. Our team has partnered with School the World and will work alongside IvyWise, Flywire and International Medical Group to build a school and playground in a rural community eager to raise education levels in their youth.

EIC will donate half the needed $3,500 per person, but each member of the EIC School the World team has already started working hard by fundraising for the remaining portion. School the World is a nonprofit organization founded on the belief that empowerment begins with education, and we are thrilled to have partnered with them for the second year to help provide access to a quality education within Guatemala.

Stay updated on our 2019 EIC School the World journey through Facebook and our blog.


Upcoming Events

  • FAIE: Feb. 21 - 22, Miami, Florida
1101 Connecticut Ave NW Suite 900, Washington, DC 20036

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