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International Student
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Corporate finance is becoming a very popular and specialized degree program within Business education. International students who are considering studying corporate finance in the United States will find a number of top programs which offer this specialized degree.

What is Corporate Finance?

International students who want to study corporate finance will find the subject to be both exciting and challenging. Corporate finance is the supervision of daily financial management for a private or public company. Most large companies have corporate finance departments that manage and stay on top of financial statements, capital management and budgeting. Corporate finance also deals with the investments that a company makes and manages future investments to ensure a profit for the company.

Companies are subject to large amounts of capital when they bring in revenue and profits. In order to properly handle this money and invest it or fulfill budget needs, experienced corporate finance employees are needed. The job is certainly not easy, but it is very rewarding. If you enjoy numbers, auditing financial statements and making sure the company is on sound footing, then it may be for you. Corporate finance employees are a trusted employee: they are necessary for the business to stay alive. In addition, the strength of business development starts with the corporate finance department of a firm. It is by the recommendation of this department and its knowledge of the internal funds and monies held by the firm whether a specific sector, or even the entire company, deserves expansion.

While there is not a specific degree that is necessary for international students to work in corporate finance, a program of study in accounting, finance or business administration is usually necessary. Ideally, a specialized program in Corporate Finance would be a perfect fit.

Corporate Finance Curriculum

Corporate Finance majors can expect to take classes in a variety of different fields. Since working in corporate finance is very interdisciplinary, international students should expect to take a wide range of classes such as accounting, finance and business administration. Accounting classes are necessary for the auditing and figures that come with the daily job. Expect to take basic classes like Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting in a program. In addition, a strong background in Finance is necessary. Students need to be familiar with basic investment principles in order to be productive and knowledgeable. For this, international students should expect to take several classes revolving around stocks, bonds, and financial planning. This type of program generally results in a Bachelor of Science, but may also be offered as a Bachelor of Business Administration. Business administration classes come in handy for the attention to detail that is necessary in reading financial statements and expenditures. The beauty of a degree in corporate finance is its versatility. Students should consider enrolling at a school such as Mississippi State University . The finance program as MSU is strongly connected to the business school, allowing students to study the various ways that the two fields intertwine. Students studying Corporate Finance can expect to take courses such as:

  • Personal investment strategies
  • Performance evaluation
  • Managerial finance
  • Fundamentals of accounting
  • Business finance strategies

Potential Careers

Graduates with a bachelor’s degree in Corporate Finance may pursue careers as a:

  • Stock broker
  • Investment adviser
  • Financial reporter
  • Fraud investigator
  • Investment banker

Individuals with graduate degrees in Corporate Finance might find employment with brokerage houses, banks or financial regulation agencies. Titles for positions in these fields include:

  • Professor
  • Auditor
  • Financial analyst
  • Bureaucrat
  • Fund manager

Not all students who study corporate finance end up working in the finance area. Others may instead have a career as a compliance officer. This position makes sure that all aspects of the company, especially the financial arm, are following the rules and regulations put in place by the federal government and regulatory commissions. Other positions that may interest a student studying corporate finance are a Company Treasurer, Financial Analyst, Credit Analyst, Cash Manager, Investment Officer, and Controller. With an education rooted in business and financial principles, a diligent and intelligent international student will have no problem finding a competitive and challenging career.

A Need for International Students

The need for international students in an increasingly globalized world is very high. Companies need students who have international experience and preferably those who can speak multiple languages. With companies increasingly trying to create a presence overseas and in growing economic markets, international students are vital employees for potential growth. International education and experience coupled with a degree in corporate finance from a top school will make any student one of the most competitive for open jobs. The possibilities for international students are endless and they will surely find a rewarding, challenging and high paying career as a corporate finance officer.

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