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- University of Illinois at Springfield Springfield, Illinois
- Certificate
- Bachelors / Undergraduate
- Masters / Graduate
- Doctorate
- Type: Public
- Setting: City: Midsize
- Est. Tuition: $19,118
Students: 1,898 Faculty: 340 Student/Faculty Ratio: 13:1
- Benedictine University at Springfield Springfield, Illinois
- Associate / Community College
- Type: Private not-for-profit
- Setting: City: Midsize
Students: 86
- Lincoln Land Community College Springfield, Illinois
- Certificate
- Associate / Community College
- Est. Tuition: $8,976
Students: 1,709 Faculty: 594 Student/Faculty Ratio: 19:1
- Midwest Technical Institute-Springfield Springfield, Illinois
- Certificate
Students: 394 Faculty: 97 Student/Faculty Ratio: 25:1
- St Johns College Springfield, Illinois
- Bachelors / Undergraduate
- Masters / Graduate
Students: 61 Faculty: 36 Student/Faculty Ratio: 6:1
Note: Some of the schools in the School Search database have not reported all of the data we make available. When this is the case, it is indicated by 'N/A' (not applicable).