Learn To Speak German

Derived from the Romans, the first recorded use of Germanic languages was in the 1st century BCE. Today, German is an official language in six countries in central and western Europe. German is a pluricentric language which means that it has more than one standard version. The three standardized versions are German, Austrian and Swiss Standard High German. As of 2021, German is the twelfth most spoken language in the world with approximately 132 million native speakers. Learning German as a non-native speaker comes with many benefits. However, as an international student, perhaps the greatest benefit to you is the opportunity for free education. Most of Germany's higher education institutions offer degree programs to qualifying students at a tuition cost of €0 while some others charge around €500, which is still substantially less than tuition costs in the UK or the US. Plus, just because it's free or inexpensive doesn't mean that the education isn’t of lower quality; there are many universities in Germany that rank among the top 100 in the world and provide a high quality education for those who are able to attend. Studying in Germany will require a great deal of work and preparation during the approval process, but can be very beneficial. If you are planning to study and live in a country where German is an official language, it's a great idea to consider taking German language courses to achieve fluency.
When choosing a German instructive course, there are a few things that we recommend doing:
- Do research. Make sure to read about the school or company in-depth, including reviews.
- Make comparisons. Compare courses to each other and determine which will be the best for your individual needs.
- Consider your time. As a student, you might be too busy to work in German courses during the day. Therefore, you’ll want the option to take courses at night, during weekends and on holidays.
- Create a budget. How much are you able to spend on German courses?
- Assess your skill level. If you are just starting out, you’ll want beginner level courses. But if you are already somewhat familiar with the language, you’ll want intermediate or advanced courses.
If you're interested in completing German language courses, we suggest checking out Lingoda. As a company dedicated to providing high-quality German language instruction, Lingoda provides various courses that ensure improvements. No matter when you are available, Lingoda instructors offer lessons 24/7. Plus, all instructors are native German speakers who provide constructive feedback. Do you think that learning German can benefit you? Find out more about taking German language classes through Lingoda and get started today!