Tuition and Fees

The cost of tuition in the UK will vary depending on a number of factors. Things such as the location of the school, the type of course you plan to attend, the length of the course, etc., will all have a bearing on how much it will all total to.
To give you a simple guide we have put some numbers together that estimate how much it could cost for ESL courses and degree programs. Other courses and schools, such as those that offer A-levels and GCSEs fluctuate so much that we encourage you to contact schools to find this information. ESL Programs
ESL Programs
The best advice for ESL schools is to do your research and find a school that is in a good location, offers good student support, and have low class numbers. Although London will be a popular attraction for many students, it will be more expensive. Look further and see if other parts of the UK would interest you. This will also allow you to see more of the rest of the country.
For more information on ESL programs we would recommend a visit to the ESL Directory - which offers a free online database of schools around the world.
Undergraduate Degree
University fees for international students vary in the same way that ESL program fees vary. It is dependent on the course, the location of the university, etc... As a guideline you can expect to pay at least £10,000 year for courses. If your course is specialized, such as a clinical program for doctors, this can be as much as £38,000 per year. You will have to factor in that most university degrees last for 3 years, and 4 year sandwich programs are becoming a lot more popular.
Post-Graduate Degree
As a post-graduate student, the course length will generally be shorter, and class sizes will be much smaller. For this reason, fees will be higher ranging up to £14,620 for a course. If you are taking an MBA program, competition may firstly be fierce. Have your application and funds ready.