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Showing 241-280 of 1,699 items.

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Award NameDescriptionRestrictions
Billy Graham International Missionary @ Wheaton College Graduate SchoolLoan/scholarships for those in full-time Christian ministry in a non-U.S., non-Canadian country that's not their home. Competitive awards for a...

Nationality: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria...

Host Countries: United States

Programs: Education, ESL & English Language, Psychology...

BioVision FellowshipBioVision, the World Life Sciences Forum, is inviting a 100 promising PhD students and Post-docs to attend the 3 days...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Programs: Sustainable Development, Food Science / Nutrition, Health Administration...

Bluffton University International Student GrantInternational students desiring financial assistance must complete the declaration of finances form. As a general policy, international student grants shall...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Programs: Unrestricted

Bob Bennet Memorial Scholarship 2016Unity One Credit Union is very excited to tell you about offering Bob Bennet Memorial Scholarship 2016. Robert...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: United States

Programs: Finance

Bob Bennett Memorial Scholarship 2018Unity One Credit Union is very excited to tell you about offering Bob Bennett Memorial Scholarship 2018. Robert P. Bennett...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: United States

Programs: Finance

Bob Bennett Memorial Scholarship 2018Unity One Credit Union is very excited to tell you about offering Bob Bennett Memorial Scholarship 2018. Robert P. Bennett...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: United States

Programs: Finance

Bogigian Scholarship For Armenian StudentsA tuition scholarship will be offered to a full-time female, residential undergraduate student attending Wilson College. Recipients must be...

Nationality: Armenia

Host Countries: United States

Programs: Unrestricted

BOLC Distance Learning ScholarshipsBrentwood Open Learning College is one of the leading distance learning colleges based in the UK. The college offers flexible,...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Programs: Unrestricted

Bonner Leader Program The Bonner Leader Program is a leadership development program for students who are committed to community and civic engagement. This...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Programs: Unrestricted

Bonner scholarshipTwenty Bonner scholars are selected each year based on their high financial need and their demonstrated commitment to serve during...

Nationality: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria...

Host Countries: United States

Programs: Architecture & Design, Biology/Life Sciences, Business/Management...

Bosworth Smith Trust FundFor the assistance of postgraduate research in metal mining, non-ferrous extraction metallurgy or mineral dressing

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Programs: Engineering

Bourse Fondation KenzaThe Kenza Foundation is supporting every year the studies abroad of two students in Arts and History of Art from...

Nationality: France

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Programs: Arts, Visual & Performing

Bourse Georgette LemoyneFor graduate study in any field at a Canadian university. The graduate must be studying in French.

Nationality: Canada

Host Countries: Canada

Programs: Unrestricted

Bourse Lafayette Award20 one-half tuition awards for new students from high school with a French Baccalaureate. This award is valid for one...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: France, Germany, Spain...

Programs: Unrestricted

Brain Korea (BK)Scholarship Program for graduate study in South KoreaSubject: Brain Korea (BK)Scholarship Program for graduate study in South Korea There is an opening for Brain Korea Scholarship for a...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Korea, South

Programs: Unrestricted

Brand Creation Grant for Skate ParkThe Union of Armenians of Ukraine is launching a grant program for Skate Park brand creation. How can you participate? The participant...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Programs: Unrestricted

Brandeis University American Leadership AwardsAmerican Leadership Awards recognize outstanding US citizens and residents with scholarships that offset part of tuition costs.

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Programs: Finance, Economics and International Relations

Brandeis University Deans Prize ScholarshipDeans Prize Scholarships offer up to full tuition awards to US or International students of exceptional merit.

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Programs: Finance, Economics and International Relations

Brandeis University Global Leadership AwardGlobal Leadership Awards recognize outstanding candidates of other nationalities with scholarships that offset part of tuition costs at the Brandeis...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Programs: Finance, Economics and International Relations

Brandeis University Wien International ScholarshipThe Wien International Scholarship Program (WISP) at Brandeis University, established in 1958, is a first-of-its kind bringing students from every...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Programs: Unrestricted

Brandenburg Award50 one-quarter tuition awards for one or two semesters for students from the former Eastern Block countries and Eastern States...

Nationality: Croatia, Estonia, Hungary...

Host Countries: France, Germany, Spain...

Programs: Unrestricted

Brazilian Scholars Award at Schiller International University20 one-quarter tuition awards for Brazilian students who wish to enroll full time in an undergraduate or graduate degree program....

Nationality: Brazil

Host Countries: France, Germany, Spain...

Programs: Unrestricted

BRIDGE Fellowship 2015 in GeorgiaPeace Revolution will bring together 30 young people from all East Europe and Central Asia (aka BRIDGE) region countries who...

Nationality: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus...

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Programs: Unrestricted

Bridging ProjectFunding from private foundations and major U.S. corporations has made it possible for ATJ to award from 45 to 90...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Japan

Programs: Unrestricted

Bridging Scholarships For Study Abroad In JapanScholarship opportunity to American students participating in study-abroad programs in Japan. Japanese language study is not a requirement. Applicants must...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: Japan

Programs: Unrestricted

Bright!Tax Global Scholar InitiativeThe Bright!Tax Global Scholar Initiative offers supplemental fees support to young Americans who are currently studying or who would like...

Nationality: United States and United States Minor Outlying Islands

Host Countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria...

Programs: Unrestricted

British Council-IELTS Award 2017Creating opportunities that can change lives, we established the British Council IELTS Award in order to assist high calibre individuals...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Programs: Unrestricted

British Marshall ScholarshipsEstablished in 1953, the Marshall Scholarships offer top quality US students the opportunity to study, with full funding, at any...

Nationality: United States

Host Countries: United Kingdom

Programs: Unrestricted

BrokerFish Spring Scholarship CompetitionFREE to enter, the scholarship program is designed to help you save money during the academic year and help with...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Programs: Unrestricted

Bruce K. Lee Scholarship

We are glad to announce that Bruce K. Lee Chicago has come up with an exciting Scholarship of $1000 for...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Programs: Unrestricted

BSF GrantsTo support cooperative research projects of mutual interest to the US and Israel, concerned with science and technology for peaceful...

Nationality: Israel and United States

Host Countries: United States

Programs: Computer & Information Systems

Bula Pacific Youth Fellowship in Fiji Applications for the Peace Revolution Bula Pacific Youth Fellowship in Fiji – March 6 – 10 are open now! “Be the...

Nationality: American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji...

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Programs: Unrestricted

Business and Enterprenuership Summer Course Scholarship Award in UK

Business and Entrepreneurship Summer Course Scholarship Award in London and Cambridge University UK This Scholarship is for Business , Marketing...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United Kingdom

Programs: Business/Management, Marketing and Economics

Business Studies Scholarship ProgramValueWalk, an online resource for worldwide Business news, wishes to support students in the pursuit of a Business degree. Students...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria...

Programs: Business/Management, Marketing and Economics

BuyingNote Digital Marketing Scholarship Program 2017We have created the BuyingNote Digital Marketing Scholarship for Undergraduate or Post graduate students with the passion of writing on...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Programs: Unrestricted

BWPI/IDPM Poverty & Development Masters Scholarship5 awards of £3000 for study on the MSC Poverty and Development within IDPM, University of Manchester

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United Kingdom

Programs: Political Science/Social Science, Sustainable Development, International Relations...

C.Y. Cheng Award For International UnderstandingTo pay tuition to East Stroudsburg University

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Programs: Unrestricted

California State University Scholarship ProgramMerit scholarship for one academic year.

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United States

Programs: Humanities

Cambridge Immerse Scholarship ProgrammeCambridge Immerse is a residential academic programme with a diverse and enriching curriculum. Our 16-18 year old programmes are designed...

Nationality: Unrestricted

Host Countries: United Kingdom

Programs: Unrestricted

Canada Council Annual Assistance To Media Arts Production Organization GrantsGrant for Canadian citizens.

Nationality: Canada

Host Countries: Unrestricted

Programs: Arts, Visual & Performing

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