Largest City - Philadelphia
Population - 12,604,767
Timezone - Eastern Time
Study in Pennsylvania
The state of Pennsylvania is in a league all of its own when it comes to its historical role in American history and political culture. Pennsylvania’s most populated area is the culturally thriving city of Philadelphia, where American political leaders from its various colonial regions met to create the infamous Declaration of Independence, the document signifying America’s desire to become a sovereign nation from Britain, which ultimately lead to the infamous American Revolution.
International students in Pennsylvania make a point to take advantage of this state’s rich American historical significance by visiting any number of it’s (over 150!) national historic landmarks (over 50 of which are located within the city of Philadelphia itself). International students interested in American history (and history in general) will find plenty of reasons to study in Pennsylvania, and no shortage of extracurricular opportunities to immerse themselves in learning about American cultural heritage. To see a full list of these historical landmarks, international students can check out, National Historic Landmarks of Pennsylvania. Also, make sure to check out the Historic Landmarks of Philadelphia.
Located in the northeastern region of the United States, Pennsylvania enjoys all four seasons and experiences a humid continental climate throughout most of the state (but with a notably colder climate range in its more mountainous regions). Pennsylvania’s central (and most populated) major cities include Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Eerie, Allentown, and its capital city of Harrisburg. International students who choose to study in Pennsylvania should definitely check out this Pennsylvania Travel Guide to learn additional information about the different geographical regions of Pennsylvania.
If you need additional funding to study in Pennsylvania, explore financial resource options like scholarships and loans.
International students in Pennsylvania often balance the bustling and lively atmosphere of major U.S. city life with low-cost weekend travel to more quiet and peaceful regions within the state, including the 48-acres of beauty and solitude located at Cherry Springs State Park (a top location chosen by U.S. star gazers, and voted by msnbc.com as one of the best places in the whole world to view the stars and galaxies in the night sky). International students who study in Pennsylvania should also make time to experience the natural beauty of its landscapes. In fact, international students in Pennsylvania can check out the Official Website of Pennsylvania State Parks to help plan their next peaceful weekend trip, or spring break adventure.
On top of this all, international students in Pennsylvania enjoy opportunities to learn at some of the country’s oldest and most prestigious colleges and public university systems (including the highly reputable Penn State system, which boasts over 20 campuses located all throughout the state). Pennsylvania has over 100 four-year colleges alone, with international students interested in medical education studies often finding their interests leading them to Philadelphia, home to leading academic programs in this field. Additionally, the city of Pittsburgh, home to the prestigious Carnegie Mellon University, continues to be a central hub for students interested in engineering and science-related studies. That said, Pennsylvania is certainly a state with programs designed to tailor just about every academic interest under the sun. International students who may choose to study in Pennsylvania can check out a comprehensive list of its colleges, universities, and graduate research institutions on our US School Search. Hopefully, these online resources will prove useful tools in planning a successful study abroad experience to this first-class U.S. state!
For more information and to search schools to study in Pennsylvania, and to contact them for free for further information, please visit the Study in the USA School Search.